How long does a Reiki Treatment / Reiki Healing Session last? How many sessions are necessary?

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How long does a Reiki Treatment / Reiki Session last?

It depends upon the individual Reiki Practitioner and the client. Normally, the first Reiki session is long as the Reiki Practitioner / Healer needs to take down client details and information. The first session could be anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes (where it includes a treatment).

Subsequent sessions could be from 20 to 45 minutes.

However, it is very important to note different Reiki Masters and Practitioners use different techniques and methods. There is therefore likely to be some variation in the above times, more or less. [For very simple issues, a session may be over in 5 to 15 minutes; more involved issues may require 1 or 2 hours.  It also depends upon whether the Reiki Practitioner is using standard techniques or works on an intuitive basis].

As Reiki is an "intelligent" energy source (working just as is appropriate for the individual client albeit via the practitioner), it doesn't matter which method is followed or how long the session lasts - Reiki is still effective.

How many sessions?

Again it will vary greatly as each person has unique requirements. After a few sessions, both the practitioner and the client will know what difference Reiki is making. If more than just a few sessions are required, the practitioner may advise the client to learn Reiki (for self-help). Of course, not everyone wishes to learn Reiki and that is perfectly OK.

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